Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day One

Today was the big “TV Meeting” day. I told Jeremiah that he and I would be having an important meeting after lunch. His only clue was that it had something to do with watching TV, which of course intrigued him since he is obsessed with sitting in front of the TV as much as possible. I set up the necessary materials for the meeting: a jar, some poker chips, and a notebook. Jeremiah was very curious…but, really, he was more concerned with the meeting getting over so he could get to the actual TV watching part.

I explained to him that the poker chip was a “TV coin” and that he could buy TV time by paying me with the coin.

Every morning he will get 6 coins to be kept in his jar. Each coin buys him 10 minutes of TV watching time.

He can begin buying his TV time after lunch every day. It’s up to him to decide how much he wants to spend at any one given time. I explained this by saying, “So…if you decide that you want to watch TV for 6 coins worth” and I removed all of the coins “how much TV time do you have left?” He replied, “None! No more TV time!” Next I explained to him that there are some behaviors that would cause him to lose a coin: 1) Sneaking 2) Arguing or complaining about food 3) Refusing to wash up.



However, there are ways to EARN coins: 1) if he makes it through a meal without complaining 2) if he doesn’t complain at the end of the TV time.

I ran him through a bunch of various behavior scenarios to make sure he really understood.
He got an A+ on the TV coin quiz!


  1. Woot Woot! Very exciting stuff y'all!

  2. Did y'all buy earplugs for when he runs out of coins in the middle of a show?
